
Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Simple ways to get rid of useless ads on windows 10

Microsoft began to sneak in some advertisements into some windows computer e.g Windows 8 an therefor they went further to take it upto windows 10 . As began to show from the start menu to the notification bar and even to the screen locks.
Now we found out some solutions to shut down this annoying ads everywhere on our screen. You have to follow these simple steps to get rid of them.

Disable lock screen ads

To turn off Windows Spotlight go to Settings > Personalization > Lock Screen and set the background to “Picture” or “Slideshow” instead of Windows Spotlight.  


Remove Start menu 'suggestions' and other tweaks

To prevent annoying ads and suggestions from cropping up in your Start menu, go to Settings > Personalization > Start and set the “Occasionally show suggestions in Start” setting to “Off”.


Disable 'Get Office' notifications

To disable these notifications head to Settings > System > Notifications & Actions and switch off notifications for the “Get Office” app. And while you are here you can also disable the Get tips, tricks.




Shut down OneDrive completely


The setting in question can be found under Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > OneDrive, where you just need to double-click the policy ‘Prevent The Usage Of OneDrive For File Storage’ and set it to Enabled.


People using Windows 10 have to edit the registry manually. Press Windows+R on your keyboard and type “regedit” to launch the Registry Editor, then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software \Policies\Microsoft\Windows\OneDrive. If there is no key for OneDrive, you’ll need to right click the Windows folder and create a new key named OneDrive. Add a new DWORD value as DisableFileSyncNGSC and set it to 1. Restart for the new policy to become effective. 

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